FYI: The NIH (Nat'l Institute of Health) has declared that Covid is Radiation Poisoning. You'll find that link and other relevant data at this link: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/covid-19/
No government or agency has been given "Informed Consent" to do this. 119 million Americans are already sensitive to wireless tech according to the NIH.gov! You'll find a link in right hand column here to that data.
To those of us injured, the world sort of feels like the gas chambers now but we don't have to bother with the train ride.
Do we seriously not matter to you?
What about the wildlife? No?
Keep Scrolling Please!
Evidence of Massive Microwave Pulses Across the USA, "while you sleep"
8.5 minute video
The lawsuit below has been stalled since August 13, 2021.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's Firm and Environmental Health Trust sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) who supposedly regulates the safety of wireless tech. The FCC LOST and a Federal Appeals Court Judge rebuked them for "ignoring the studies showing harm from wireless tech". The FCC was ordered to immediately pay for the 11,000 pages of evidence showing harm! Yes, they ignored the studies and haven't updated their safety standards since 1996!
Learn more about these suits and view key documents at this link:
View the 11,000 pages of evidence of harm here:
This link (bottom half of page) contains four Amicus Briefs submitted in the RFK, Jr. suit. Three of them appear to also be listed in the Environmental Health Trust suit EXCEPT this one where 57 doctors report on their tremendous upsurge in patients being sickened by wireless tech:
Key Doucments filed by Environmental Health Trust
Here's a 2 min video clip of
Dr. Devra Davis regarding the suit. You should hear the final words:
and here:
90 minute video by Dr. Devra Davis et al, EHTrust.org detailing this lawsuit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZrmrZd0Qjg&t=110s
2-page factsheet on
EHTrust V. FCC:
NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE US and you'll understand why if you look at the report below!
A 59-page report
by Harvard Ethics titled,
Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates
The link below is a 1086 page pdf,
The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History
This document is a monograph built from Medline (PubMed) query search and contains 5361 studies on the harm and also addresses our food chain being affected. https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/handle/1853/62452/LARGEST_UNETHICAL_MEDICAL_EXPERIMENT_FINAL.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
A recent but not uncommon story you should read: A new Verizon cell phone tower goes up and residents start getting sick. 17 people have HAD TO leave their homes. What if your child couldn't live with you because of a cell tower? Verizon seems unmotivated to remove the tower and has engaged them in battles for 3 years now!!!
This won't stop unless we stop it! If you're a Verizon customer, let your outrage be known.
Read of their ongoing battle on their facebook page:
This kind of deployment has ruined several scenic towns, one, much like Jasper, has 14 big ugly towers, several with microwave drums on them. It's my understanding the same happened in The Great Smokey Mountains and the same will happen here if people don't wake up to what's being done and demand that it stop, at least until an intelligent conversation is had among us.
WE THE PEOPLE did not vote this in, it was sold to us, as safe by corrupt profiteers in cahoots with gov't oversight agencies.
4 Babies Were Born without hands in Germany, 9 months after a 5G tower was installed nearby. Cattle going sterile and being born without hair! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNIJCRVk8T8&t=956s
NOT endorsing any products, just information!
Reports on non-verbal autistic children who speak after 3 days of removing them from wireless, says volumes! https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawsuit-challenges-fcc-wireless-safety-standards_3458350.html?fbclid=IwAR2-CWG2gn9RKS_iM8DE9KPUR3OBpwMgKvbgmQlNMZgk3u6C-a1gO0JOKFw
4 min trailer to a documentary titled Casualties of Waves where several doctors speak out about this and this movie is ten years old! You should watch before continuing to roll out technology at the current rate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjGazbVRqpc
18 min video
Electrical Beings
Insights Worth Considering
Wireless Wake-Up Call
Jeremy Johnson's TEDTalk
17 min video:
Resonance: Beings of Frequency
A full documentary that investigates the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer
Generation Zapped (2017) investigates the dangers of daily exposure to wireless technologies – including the devastating effects on our health from infertility to cancer – and suggests ways to reduce overexposure.
Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, a presentation and Q&A by Dr. William Rea, M.D.. Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology.
Wi-Fried, a 30 minute documentary that got the entire staff of ABC staff fired due to industry lobbying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5ZOJZQbkm
Sperm Count Expected to be Zero by 2045!
ADA Information Regarding
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
The following report (sent to the Mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on 15 June 2016) has generated an overwhelming response from people all over the world. Many of them have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), but some of them are discovering this information for the first time and are alarmed by how the dangers of microwave radiation have been distorted, downplayed and denied by those elected to protect our well-being. Get the facts.
Protect your health.
This is a quick read that will answer many questions you have.
"EHTs filing included a letter from dozens of scientists, as well as the Environmental Working Group, Phonegate Alert, The Bioinitiative Report, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones and a member of the New Hampshire State Commission on 5G. The new filings included a Report 'Scientific and Policy Developments in Radiofrequency Radiation December 2019 through November 29, 2021' documenting the critical new scientific research studies published over the last two years which confirm biological effects from wireless radiation and the urgent need to strengthen the FCC’s regulations."
Health & Cancer from Home Wiring, Power Lines, and AC Magnetic Field EMF's
Children Living Near Ordinary Power Lines Had 3 Times the Likelihood of Developing Cancer
NIH.gov site:
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
We are now swimming in many sources of electromagnetic radiation from radar installations alone. Now add wireless networks, an excessive and growing number of satellites, wireless devices all throughout homes, and very toxic electric meters contaminating power lines, Dept of Defense activity and let's not forget Fukushima, the March 2011 nuclear disaster still spewing radiation and being carried on the winds and several other leaks and explosions not being revealed. NEVER HAS LIFE BEEN SUBJECTED TO THIS MUCH "PROGRESS". Shall we just keep going until collapse or would a prudent species check themselves to see what damage they're doing and make adjustments accordingly?
"A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
Proverbs 22: 3 NLT
State of New Hampshire Calls for a Moratorium! 390 page Commission Report Explaining Their DecisionWorth the Read!
Massachusetts for Safe Technology has created an amazing website of information: Scientists, physicians, academics and advocates maintain terrific websites with the facts needed to understand the wireless radiation issue and safe technology solutions. https://www.ma4safetech.org/resources?fbclid=IwAR3Md6UscIWtfYklDUH8NK2rw6mO3WcMFbhT9GktV1cJQQ811uHi_nrVNg8
Legal, Constitutional and Human Rights Violations of Smart Grid and Smart Meters
How the Gov't is Mapping Your Brain, Your DNA, and How They Plan to Use It
This is a 72-page pdf I created in 2022, after 7 years and 4+ years in the Ozarks so I can heal from wireless injury. This is what I think the world NEEDS to see about where we are in this human experiment.
DONATIONS ACCEPTED VIA:https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/donation-options/
The poem below is related to the information in a dense book GOD INSISTED be written and the Public Health Warning (Featured Post) on the NoATT.blog
Related to the information within a dense book GOD INSISTED be written, Getting Well God’s Way
and the Public Health Warning (Featured Post) on the NoATT.blog
May 27th, 1990, A.D.
I wrote down a message GOD spoke to me.
"Isaiah 54 Shall Apply" is what it read.
I noted it in a first adult journal and then I went to bed.
28 years went by before someone brought this back to mind.
When I went back to read it, I was amazed by what I’d find.
It was like reading a story of where all I had been.
It even showed my divorce, which I didn’t see back then.
I recalled one idea that I’d “be moved to a place with a gemstone foundation”.
NOW, I knew I was to awaken people to a dangerous situation.
I had sought to live a PURPOSED LIFE seeking God’s presence every day.
So He could tell us a story and help us find His way.
It’s been a challenging but fruitful journey, an alternative path I took.
God then insisted I write an extensive book.
It had been out about a year when the story took a radical turn.
There were urgent things He needed to show me – we have a lot to learn.
Our launch of wireless technology is the subject that’s caught His eye.
If we don’t stop this a lot of things will fry!
As it turns out as we arrive at 2023, I found myself thinking about May 27th, 1990, A.D.
How I’m exactly where that chapter in Isaiah said that I would be.
I enjoy looking for God in the story as it assures this isn’t “just me”.
First thing I notice in 2023, is that message is turning 33.
Realizing this year, 66 years I’ve been livin’
But realized too I wasn’t actually 33 when it was given.
“But wait a minute” my mind ran ahead.
“How many days between those two?” I said.
I could hardly believe the answer when it was shown to me.
3 weeks and 3 days later I turned 33.
One step further, as I look around.
Another set of 3’s is what I found.
February 2023 helps me to know.
We arrived here 3 years and 3 months ago.
I can’t believe my eyes as I look across the nations.
And see the boundless destruction caused by corporations.
Think of the seeding birds, the flora, and the bee
Living without them is a life we don’t wanna see.
So, when I say “I’ve been sent” to help you see the error in humanity’s direction.
I hope you too can see the thumbprint of God and know the information comes with deep affection.
Before I go, I just have one question.
What will it take before WE THE PEOPLE respond, does this need to be an even bigger lesson?
This is a 38 minute video that has some overlap and repeated information = needs editing, but it generally shares how I see this situation. I am NOT in agreement with the "climate change" idea as I see trillion watt lasers being shot into the atmosphere, the sky clearly littered with "solar radiation managment methods aka chemtrails, high levels of microwave and electromagnetic radiation hearing up the atmosphere. Beyond that, you should watch this video:
NOW THAT WE KNOW THAT WIFI IS ACTUALLY PULSED MICROWAVE RADIATION, CAN WE PLEASE STOP SPRAYING IT INTO OPEN SPACES FROM OUR LIBRARY AND COURTHOUSE HERE IN NEWTON COUNTY? Let's bring in a tiny house with hardwired connections for tourists instead, maybe at the library parking lot. Post WIFI IN USE WARNING SIGNS on all businesses running WIFI.
Be sure to go to the Images That Teach category on this site and see the screenshot showing a foreign news article that shares "30 calves born blind after a 5G tower was cited in the pasture".
Electrical Sensitivity Support Group
EHS Community Support Group
WEEP Initiative-EHS Support
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Support
EMF and EHS Law
Wireless Education
Victims of Wireless Technology Registry
Consumers for Safe Cell Phones
Wired-Wireless Radiation - Education and Defense
Electrosensitivity and Safe Technology Advocates
Friends Against Big Wireless
Wireless Free Living Communities
Citizens for 5G Awareness
5G & Microwave Radiation
The New American WIFI Refugees
Type in WIFI to the search que
Type in Smart Meters
Type in Wireless
Type in Electromagnetic
...and on and on and on we go as new one's come up weekly now it seems!
There is No Safe Level of 5G or Wireless Radiation for People or the rest of Nature.
Did you know “5G” is a marketing term? The real agent? MICROWAVE RADIATION! Even though we can’t see it, radiofrequency/microwave radiation (RF-MWR), is a hazardous, xenobiotic (foreign-to-life) agent, and a significant source of harmful environmental pollution.
And they plan to spray the Earth with this from space via satellites.
What could possibly go wrong?
Now that this "effort" below has been released widely online, posted on several like-minded blogs, mailed out to investigative journalists, law makers, law firms, city officials, school admins, news outlets, electrical unions, teachers unions, parent/teacher organizations...across the US, introduced on several podcasts and more and is being taken up nationally by several activist groups, the following link can be provided here as the milk is out of the cow! Any efforts to threaten or harm as has been done with fellow activists will not stop the flow of this information now but could in fact, enhance it.
This link is a 72 page document that may be viewed, printed, and distributed by anyone, as long as it's not for profit or gain! Donations are appreciated but not required. If we don't get this part right, not much else matters as you'll soon see. There IS a measure of hope. The question is whether we're willing to do what it takes to change the course we're on.
These little "beasts" are being mass produced and neighborhood groups are forming all over the USA by angry, concerned citizens.
Suggested people to share them with: family, friends, pastors, neighbors, doctors, nurses, insurance agents, lawyers, alternative health practitioners like chiropractors and massage therapists, parent/teacher organizations, school administrators, day cares, nursing homes, memory care centers, your state public service commission that oversees utility providers, your utility company, permit writer's for cell towers, state attorney general's office, city, county and state health departments, investigative journalists and news outlets/editors, real estate agents, state real estate commission, electricians, electrician's unions and their licensing board w/suggestion that EMF measurements, meters, and mitigation be added to their license requirement, and home inspectors...that should give you some places to start. https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2022/10/26/public-health-warning-document-w-instructions-for-action/
Stop and think how you'd feel if you were SUDDENLY "allergic" to the modern world. You can't work, travel, go out to eat or to a movie or even to a friend's home. You can't go in the grocery store or the post office or the hardware store. You can't access medical care or dental care...and the most disheartening of all is that the world doesn't seem to care. Our illness is very inconvenient for all the plans in place. Damn us and the bees. Notice: Wireless has not made us better humans!
Massachusetts is presenting a bill
Bill H.2158193rd (Current) Session:
By Representative Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2158) of Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Vanna Howard and Mary S. Keefe that the Department of Public Health add electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) to the list of diseases dangerous to the public health. Public Health.
"Behold I send you in as sheep among wolves, BE WISE as serpents but harmless as doves." THINK, READ, RESEARCH, DON'T BLINDLY TRUST GOV'T OVERSIGHT AGENCIES! Most of them now function in favor of corporations & industry!
SmartMeterHarm.org reports that the form of electric meter (TWACS) FORCED on the "members" by Carroll Electric was "rejected at the federal level by the Austrian Chamber of Physicians AND the SWISS PHYSICIANS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT for fear that it was deadly with effects being both immediate and cumulative with the most vulnerable feeling it soonest!"
NOTICE: 9 of us in the vicinity of Jasper, AR now have a condition known as "electromagnetic hypersensitivity". We are the Creator's early warning messengers that the environment is out of balance. He made 15-20% of every species to be weaker but it does no good if people laugh off or ignore our warnings!
Below you'll see the ICD Codes (Int'l Insurance Billing Diagnostic Code) for the condition. It's recognized by the Nat'l Institues for Health and even the corrupt W.H.O. so this isn't imaginary or psychological! Netflix series, Better Call Saul, was a propoganda series to make you think those of us warning you are to be laughed at, ridiculed, and ignored. We're in a period of life that critical thinking is paramount. If you use mainstream television as your primary source of information you'll end up eating, drinking, and injecting things into your body that an informed person wouldn't do. THIS IS A "LIVE EXERCISE" INTELLIGENCE TEST SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO GET BUSY DOING SOME RESEARCH AND APPLY WHAT YOUR FIND TO YOUR LIFE! Lots of people creating TRUTH for you to follow/consider, like this site and NoATT.blog
You'll also find a 7.5 min video below where the FCC laboratory proved the power lines become radiating antennas with this form of meter system FORCED ON US HERE! Like the video, I encourage you to turn your car radio to AM and drive into the Harps/Hardward store parking lot here in Jasper. Then check the school. One local mom has reported 3 incidents of strange things happening while waiting under the power lines at Jasper Elementary to pick up her kids. Pain in her heart, a weird pulling sensation up towards the lines from her head. Her statements are in the Images That Teach section of this site.Two friends had hair standing on their arms coming south out of Eureka Springs, driving along side the power lines! Sounds like they're "radiating antennas" doesn't it?
At this link you'll see that 7.5 min video where the FCC Laboratory demonstrates that this form of metering system turns the power lines into giant radiating antennas. Video Produced by FCC Laboratory 7+ minute video
Here you'll find 3 pdf's demonstrating how the Power Line Communication System aka PLC aka TWACS aka Two-Way Automated Communication System turns power lines into radiating antennas: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2023/03/08/power-line-communication-and-dirty-electricity-turn-electrical-wires-into-radiating-antennas-pdf/
Here's how "Dirty Electricity" causes Disease: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2024/04/18/is-dirty-electricity-making-you-sick/:
These toxic electric meters, banned in 2 countries are being FORCED on SO CALLED "members" by a utility CORPORATION who is posing as a "member-owned COOPERATIVE" but failing to meet the Rochdale Principles that define the behavior of a true cooperative and they have a long history of doing so. Question is, WHY ISN'T THE AR Public Service Commission actually regulating them? According to reports by locals CECC also locks said "members" out of public meetings and blocked locals efforts to get a true neighbor on the board. So how is it that the "members" would FORCE undesirable technology onto themselves? Where's that INFORMED CONSENT?
Carroll Electric cooperative CORPORATION hides behind the claim
"These Meters Meet ANSI Standards". Clearly, if someone would safety certify this garbage they are compromised. So I went looking online for evidence of this and found a pretty amazing man doing pretty amazing things revealing exactly how compromised ANSI is. His content not only brings to light their lack of intergrity but of reveals this to be nothing more than selling THE IDEA of safety certification.
Once you see what all he reveals you'll likely agree with me that this is criminal.
My Letter to Arkansas Attorney General
contains all the relevant info on the local issues here in the Ozarks
w/Carroll Electric cooperative CORPORATION.
A facebook friend recently visited two places here in the Ozarks IN Carroll Electric's service area and you need to see what she experienced:
See Images That Teach
regarding their past antics...
one of the first few images
This power line communication system being used here is known for producing a 24/7 high-pitched tone which many hear in the area. Locals say it began immediately after installation of these new meters. Very dangerous Stetzer meter readings are being found in many homes and public buildings. There is MUCH to know about this system. The explanation that power lines were designed to carry current and this system now has them also carrying data is reportedly the reason for the 24/7 squeal in the air here.
A 70 year old Chief Inspector for the Board of Electrical Examiners and Licensing in Little Rock, AR, Charles Covington, retired 10/01/21 but still reachable, adamantly declares "If y'all are hearing that it means there's a problem". He reportedly called an engineer colleague named Randy Hooten (spelling?), at Carroll Electric, TWICE, and nobody will come check the issue because it's likely an expensive and humiliating mistake so everyone, including nature must just tolerate it appears to be the attitude of CECC. Are we okay with this where our state motto is "THE PEOPLE RULE"? The squeal alone is a property rights "Nuisance" violation not to mention the potential dangers to our hearing and health
"tinnitus of unknown origin"!
It's microwave auditory effect. We're actually hearing electrical frequency in the air from this system and other tech. https://www.naturalblaze.com/2021/10/5g-emf-rf-vibroacoustic-disease-microwave-hearing-beam-forming-this-is-not-tinnitus-of-unknown-origin.html
Since launching 5G & the 95% statewide coverage of Arkansas with PBS Transmitters, the squeal has gotten louder!
Hearing Radar! https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2024/08/19/hearing-radar-microwaves-etc/
Why SOUND Is Important and Why The Squeal In The Air Here Can't Be Tolerated
8 min video
How the 24/7 High-Pitched Squeal from Carroll Electric's TWACS Electric Metering System May Be Harming Wildlife in the Ozarks! https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2023/03/08/how-a-24-7-high-pitched-squeal-in-the-ozarks-from-carroll-electrics-twacs-electric-meter-system-can-be-damaging-wildlife/
Smart Meters Countdown To A National Crisis of Illness and Death? https://www.wakingtimes.com/smart-meters-countdown-to-a-national-crisis-of-illness-and-death/?utm_campaign=meetedgar&utm_medium=social&utm_source=meetedgar.com&fbclid=IwAR2cW_1QFRsolwKL0OXdfPCtFIFmtKXBgj8zL5OF62rGWN_XBmIeB882bxc
Scroll through these images: https://nomoretowersintheozarks.org/images-that-teach
List of Symptoms Here:
Public Law 90-602 says
"You can't radiate the public"
Go read it! https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-82/pdf/STATUTE-82-Pg1173.pdf
or here
with live cross-referenced links:
Sadly, you'll see the only remedy given is in Federal Court.
Who can afford that?
Can a Corporation Be a Criminal Enterprise?
Arkansas Code Title 16: Practice, Procedure, Courts, Authority to Arrest
You should get busy learning what's in your environment, how it may be affecting you and your family, and methods to mitigate it. Children absorb ten times the radiation of an adult!
Go to: https://ehtrust.org/
Book Recommendation: Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution
Buy the Hidden Dangers book:
Buy Lloyd Burrell's book:
The EMF Practical Guide
Search Amazon for books on the subject Many more are listed on LessEMF.com
Go to LessEMF.com
request a paper catalogue via email
National Institute of Health-NIH.gov EHS=Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity “Prevalence of EHS occurrence is estimated to range from 0.7% to 13.3%, mainly affecting about 3% to 5% of the population in many countries, meaning that millions of people may in fact be affected by EHS worldwide… the increase in EHS prevalence is not restricted to a single country but is presently a worldwide plague, which started as soon as these industrial technologies became widespread." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7139347/?fbclid=IwAR1DrLjrNl-Am9mUaaq-8MiGyL7pAPl_y8SJDMpi635548J6MP0IhrsXFgQ
The 2022 ICD (Int’l Code for Diagnostics)
The WHO does not use the term “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.” Rather they call it, “Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (IEI) attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF).”
EHS or IEI should be classified under:
(1) Cause – Two codes are available for illness/injury resulting from exposure:
• W90.0 for exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). Note this includes intermediate frequencies (IF) that flow along wires, microwave radiation (MWR) as well as millimeter waves (mmW).
• W90.8 for exposure to other non-ionizing radiation, for example extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF) and ground current. http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/W90
(2) Effects – various classifications are available for the illnesses/injuries caused by the exposure to EMF radiation, for example …
• ICD-10 G43 for migraine: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/G43
• ICD-10 R42 for dizziness and giddiness: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/R42
• ICD-10 H93.1 for tinnitus: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/H93.1
If there's an international diagnostic code for a condition then there is no question of harm being done!
Researchers Hallberg and Oberfeld studying the growth rates of electrohypersensitivity cases, predicted that by 2017, 50% of the population will display such symptoms.
Finding an EMF Sensitivity Doctor
EMF Academy Post
EMF Sensitivity Doctors Do Exist
You may also check:
The Institute for Functional Medicine
Diplomat Injured by RF Sues Government for Disability Discrimination
Many suffering have found that the government has pulled jurisdiction for "wireless injury claims" from every single agency. There is nobody to report the crime to therefore protecting industry, not life = corruption. https://wearetheevidence.org/diplomat-injured-by-rf-sue-government-for-disability-discrimination/?fbclid=IwAR2yagd1fyzH-sUBKTRez4Qkj4iHgDtLCvnN8gzkwRIixuo7lyZUxgmaNPc
This is the video where I learned about the subject of Smart Meters. When I saw contractors kicking in basement doors and cutting perimeter locks to install them, I knew we weren't dealing with corporations concerned about laws and that this MUST BE part of a corrupt agenda!
You need to see what's going on!!!
Technology overreach violates property right laws and civil and disability laws as well as moral laws as injured and sick people are denied accommodation or sanctuary to have this kept away from them. There are many living in metal sheds and in their cars to avoid the constant bombardment found in their homes now. Unalienable "God-Given" rights aren't granted but they are being blatantly ignored by corporations. Ray Broomhall, Barrister aka attorney in Australia says the deployment meets the criteria for "criminal assault" defined as 'Applied force, directly or indirectly, without consent, that causes harm" and the sources of applied force he says are also in the Criminal Code and include "heat, light, and electrical".
The link below is an extensive interview with the above-mentioned attorney who's prevented 900 small cell towers and 1600 proposed sites. He has looked at the US code and says it appears the same principles apply here in the US that he's using in AU. He walks you through the process of filing a criminal complaint on the video at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p3Ip5U0ZWM
The Hidden Dangers book cites a case in 2013, a family was awarded $1 million to be paid by Vermont Electric Power when they were forced to move when a tower was placed near their home. You won't see this on the news because the tv sells ads to wireless providers.
Understanding EMF's - Solutions
Short Online Courses and More Info
Excellent Website for Newbies
Look into a Stetzer meter to measure readings in your electric outlets: https://lessemf.com/product/stetzer-meter/
Another provider of meters & filters is Greenwave. Find them here: https://greenwavefilters.com/
More is not better and can create issues. You absolutely need a line noise meter to check your work.
YouTube.com has lots of videos about using the Stetzer or EMI Line Noise Meters and the related filters. We used a Stetzer meter but chose Greenwave filters and later added a SATIC whole house filter to the electric panel due to such dangerous readings here!
A SATIC Whole House Filter
can be found here:
Go check out the WIFI category and you'll see why you NEED to hardwire your computer. Here's a video to teach you how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=qTtCpC4sTj8&feature=emb_title
If You Can't Hardwire Your Computer, At Least Tame the Signal!
Find and use "Blue Light Screen Blockers aka Blue Light Filters" even on your television screens. "tests have found that over exposure to blue-violet light has the potential to put us at greater risk of macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness". What if the next generation running our country are all blind from their stupid phones?
Write your Legislators, (local, state, and federal) and DEMAND a MORATORIUM in your area!
Monthly Meter Readings
can easily be called in on a modern phone system or via computers. Destroying the environment and health of citizens is not justified by tech convenience.
Sources to Purchase Analog Meters!
DO NOT INSTALL but you should have one on hand if we win this battle or an ADA accommodation. IF WE CAN'T FIND ENOUGH, LET'S BUILD THEM HERE IN ARKANSAS WHERE
How to Hardwire a Cell Phone to Ethernet to Avoid Radiation
Faraday Bags for Phones Can Be Found Here:
Here's a link to a fellow activist's protective shielding gear.
Support Those Fighting For You!
He has 5G faraday bags too. https://speroprotectionclothing.com/shop/
Healing EMF Sensitivity
Many things can cause high copper in the body and exposure to EMR can't be eliminated as a possible contributing cause. Stress, diet...Then high copper to zinc ratios can make you EMF sensitive. Copper can be lowered by correcting the zinc to copper ratio...zinc lowers copper but you'll need supporting nutrients. Check out this man's story of how he healed himself!
An IMPORTANT article on copper toxicity from his forum:
Dr. Klinghardt, south of London reports that giving his adult patients 20 to 50 mg's of methylated folate for 3-4 months has returned their nervous system to normal. I do wonder how these measures would help the wildlife. FYI: They won't.
so we should correct our
wireless habits.
If you want a "marked up" for emphasis copy of this excerpted website to distribute, as long as it's not for profit or gain, go here: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2023/04/18/this-shocking-website-content-is-going-to-governor-sarah-huckabee-sanders-every-state-medical-board-member-the-arkansas-fish-game-commission-the-local-newspapers-and-put-in-the-hands-of-some-locals-a/
If you aren't horrified enough yet then go to this link and see how this technology is being used against whistleblowers, activists, and those trying to warn you. What will you do for them?
And don't forget this link that shows you that Covid is Acute Radiation Poisoning, not a virus. Carrying a cell phone and sitting in WIFI and towers, and not smart electric meters is taking you somewhere I assure you do not want to go: